Quotations and orders apply to the FME-CWM conditions filed at the Rechtbank in Den Haag on the 13th of May 2022 under no. 13/2022. Outside the Netherlands  these are governed by the ORGALIME General Conditions for the supply of mechanical, electrical and electronic products (SI 24) of April 2024. Any other conditions are herewith explicitly rejected by us. Copies will be sent free of charge. Register chamber of Commerce, Noord-Nederland no. 04032610.
Centrifugal fans
COMBIMAC designs and manufactures a wide range of industrial fans, including the following types:

- Centrifugal fans
- Circulation fans
- Material handling fans
- High temperature fans
- Low pressure fans
- Middle pressure fans
- High pressure fans
- ATEX fans

COMBIMAC fans, known for their high quality level and proven reliability, are used in a variety of applications by a wide range of customers. COMBIMAC supplies fans for the movement of air, fumes and gasses for a variety of conditions. COMBIMAC furthermore is able to supply from a wide range of:

- direct drive
- indirect drive
- custom build

Type brochures

Fans general brochure
Special electric motors and fans
1919 - 2019
Combimac on Wikipedia