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Oil cooled electric motors
Method of cooling
COMBIMAC designs and manufactures oil cooled electric motors with two different types of cooling methods. One version provides surface oil cooling and the other version has internal oil cooling.
Surface cooled
Surface oil cooled electric motors are provide with a separate cooling jacket. The cooling oil is cooling the outside of the motor stator, whereas the motor internal parts are dry running. To guarantee a sufficient amount of cooling the cooling mantles are manufactured from bronze alloy or aluminium.
Special electric motors
Canned motors
Another option for an internally cooled electric motor is to have internally oil cooled motors, providing the use of a can, the so called canned motors. This method is used to prevent the stator winding getting into contact with a possibly aggressive cooling medium to avoid any risk of deterioration  of the windings.
Internally cooled
Unlike surface cooled electric motors, the cooling oil is running through the motor, providing an optimum cooling. The cooling oil at the same time is used to lubricate the motor bearings, often leading to a simplified electric motor design.
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Special electric motors and fans
1919 - 2019
Combimac on Wikipedia