Quotations and orders apply to the FME-CWM conditions filed at the Rechtbank in Den Haag on the 13th of May 2022 under no. 13/2022. Outside the Netherlands  these are governed by the ORGALIME General Conditions for the supply of mechanical, electrical and electronic products (SI 14) of April 2024. Any other conditions are herewith explicitly rejected by us. Copies will be sent free of charge. Register chamber of Commerce, Noord-Nederland no. 04032610.
Custom build fans
In addition to their standard range of fans, COMBIMAC are well-equiped to manufacture custom-built fans and fan systems to suit individual customer applications and requirements.

In order to meet these requirements COMBIMAC can offer fans manufactured from the following materials:

- Cast iron
- Cast aluminium
- Aluminium
- Stainless steel
- Sheet steel
- Non-ferro materials
- Exotic materials
Should you have a requirement for a special application, please do not hesitate to contact our company. Our fans adhere to the following ISO standards:

- Mechanical vibration - ISO 20816
- Mechanical safety - ISO  12499
- Sound power levels - ISO 13347-1
- Tolerances, methods of conversion, technical data - ISO 13348
- Quality of balancing - ISO-14694
- Vibration measurements ISO 14695
- Design of fans in potentially explosive atmospheres - EN 14986
- Explosive atmospheres - EN-ISO 80079-36 & 37

Special electric motors and fans
1919 - 2019
Combimac on Wikipedia