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Shock proof electric motors
Shock grades
For various naval applications, for example pumps, compressors, fans or winches, Combimac supplies the following type of asynchronous AC (alternating current), shock resistant, electric motors:
Mild shock
The type 43 electric motor is a totally enclosed fan cooled motor, meeting the naval requirements for equipment with mild shock and low noise & vibration requirements.
Special electric motors
High shock
The type 48 electric motor design has been developed over the years to meet the most stringent shock levels and, if required, combined with ultra low noise & vibration levels. The motors consist of a completely steel welded construction
Medium shock
The type 50 and 60 electric motor is similar in design to the type 43 electric motors however meeting higher shock demands. Manufactured from nodular cast iron or aluminium.
High shock test (hard mounted) on COMBIMAC pump motor
Barge test
Schock tests
Shock proof special electric motors
Special electric motors and fans
1919 - 2019