Quotations and orders apply to the FME-CWM conditions filed at the Rechtbank in Den Haag on the 13th of May 2022 under no. 13/2022. Outside the Netherlands  these are governed by the ORGALIME General Conditions for the supply of mechanical, electrical and electronic products (SI 24) of April 2024. Any other conditions are herewith explicitly rejected by us. Copies will be sent free of charge. Register chamber of Commerce, Noord-Nederland no. 04032610.
Combimac is a fully equipped machining factory, which all disciplines in house, including design. Actual production is carried out in a modern workshop, including several up to date CNC machines.. Furthermore winding, assembly and testing is performed within the company.
All necessary procedures for the whole production process, starting from the customers order until the final delivery of the product had been laid down in procedures. For a schematic version of these procedures select the image below.
Exact® ERP Software
Since 2001 Combimac has been working with Exact® ERP software to support the whole production process. In the year 2011 Combimac has migrated its ERP to the latest version Exact Globe software and procedures have been put in place accordingly.
ERP  Procedures
Special electric motors and fans
1919 - 2019
Combimac on Wikipedia