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Combimac has all necessary design capabilities for these products in house. Combimac started to introduce Computer Aided Design (CAD) in the middle of the 80's of the last century with 2D design by means of Autocad®. In addition to 2D design process in place, in the year 2007 the 3D computer aided design by means of SolidWorks® was introduced. 3D design is currently being used for all new designs and 2D design is still operational to be able to maintain and to modify the existing 2D Autocad drawing database, made over the last decades. A variety of designs made by Combimac can be seen under examples.

3D CAD design

Sectional 3D model
3D fan model
Fan application
3D motor model
Pump application
Special electric motors and fans
1919 - 2019
Combimac on Wikipedia